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Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship Is Testament To AUS Students’ Hard Work And Accomplishments

Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship Is Testament To AUS Students’ Hard Work And Accomplishments

Four outstanding American University of Sharjah (AUS) students who demonstrate the highest academic and personal standards have been awarded the Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship for the Academic Year 2022–2023 at a special ceremony on campus held yesterday.

Recipients are Eyad Abdelazim Hussein from the College of Engineering (CEN); Alaa Ibrahim Itani from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS); AlZaina Ahmad Lootah from the College of Architecture, Art and Design (CAAD); and Gouthami Pillai from the School of Business (SBA). The winners were recognized for their academic excellence, leadership potential, service to the community, demonstrated talent in their field of study, and participation in extracurricular and university activities.

During his university years, engineering student Eyad Abdelazim Hussein has been repeatedly awarded the AUS Dean’s and Chancellor’s List Scholarships as well as a merit scholarship for his high academic standing. He also received the Active Student Scholarship last semester for his extracurricular work, including founding the Effective Altruism Club, which focuses on community building and helping others by prioritizing projects and policies that improve well-being as part of a global effective altruism movement focused on doing good.

“It is so surreal winning this prestigious scholarship. I am well-aware of how many amazing people applied to this scholarship, which makes this even more special. Scholarship opportunities are integral to making knowledge and career advancement accessible to all. If it weren’t for the financial assistance that these scholarships provide, many brilliant students wouldn’t have had the chance to advance themselves and potentially benefit themselves and their communities. I am truly thankful for this amazing award, and I hope to continue to make my friends and family proud,” he said.

Hussein said his plans after AUS include pursuing impactful work that can benefit others. “I want to develop my skills in research and software engineering further and pursue graduate studies abroad. I aim to engage with more working professionals, enter the field of AI alignment and work towards aligning future AI systems with human goals.”

Majoring in psychology with a double minor in data science and international studies, third- year student Alaa Ibrahim Itani has accomplished a lot during her time at AUS. In addition to her high academic standing and earning multiple scholarships at AUS, she was elected the Chartering President of Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology, and has served on the boards of many student clubs, teams and initiatives. She is also a research assistant, a peer tutor and a writing fellow at the AUS Writing Center. She further developed her leadership skills by serving as a Legislative Analyst in AUS Model Congress (AUSMC), a Peer Leader in the Student Leadership Program, and a member of the logistics team for the AUS Model United Nations (AUSMUN).

“I feel a sense of accomplishment, contentment and gratitude to be recognized as the College of Arts and Sciences recipient for the Sheikh Khalifa Award. It’s not only a recognition and appreciation of my efforts, but it also serves as a strong reminder that my goals are within reach and that hard work pays off. It is such a source of pride and joy to be able to share this blessing with my family, friends and mentors whose heartwarming and unwavering support has been irreplaceable,” she said.

Itani said that she did not choose her psychology major; rather, it chose her. “Everything in my life led me to studying psychology. My father always says that understanding is more important than knowing, and by majoring in psychology, all I want is to look at people and hope that I can understand them. I am looking forward to pursuing my graduate studies in social psychology and becoming a researcher and a teacher in the field.”

For fourth-year architecture student AlZaina Ahmad Lootah, receiving the Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship proved that nothing is impossible with set objectives, applying oneself and having a positive attitude.

“I am beyond grateful to receive the Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship Award 2022–2023. As a proud, young Emirati woman, it is an honor to receive this award, which is named after our great President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This scholarship will support my education at AUS, applying to various internships and the continuation of my master’s degree after graduation,” she said.

The recipient of an AUS merit scholarship and Treasurer of the American Institute of Architecture Students, Lootah found a home for her creativity and passion for giving back to the community in CAAD.

“I plan to continue my higher education and pursue a master’s degree in urban planning and historic preservation while working on projects that focus on bringing about social change to the community. I want to work side by side with urban planners in the UAE and continue developing its great social, cultural and urban legacy. On a personal level, as part of my interests, I plan to start a travel journal where I photograph, document and study the urban conditions of various cities around the world. I am also looking at starting my own small-scale practice, focusing on urban architecture and renovation,” said Lootah.

Finance and economics third-year student Gouthami Pillai was ecstatic when she was first informed about her selection for the Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship.

“The first thing I did was rush to inform my parents and thank them for their support throughout the years at AUS. I am proud to be able to financially support myself in my last university year with this scholarship. The award is a validation of the efforts I have put into university and it makes me push myself further to work on my personal goals, as well as toward the betterment of student life at AUS,” she said

Pillai has a very active student life. Throughout her time at AUS, she has served on the boards of multiple clubs, teams and initiatives. She also served as a Peer Leader with the Student Leadership Program; a Residential Assistant; a First Year Experience Ambassador for SBA; Director of External Relations at AUSMUN 2022; a Moderator at AUSMUN and AUSMC 2020 and 2021; an Executive Assistant with the Dean’s Business Team; a Tutor at the Business Learning Center; a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Economics at SBA; and a Student Advisor at the SBA Career Services Department. She is also the recipient of several AUS scholarships for her high academic standing, the Athletic Student Scholarship in Spring 2020 for her participation in the Women’s Varsity Swimming and Track Teams, and the Active Student Scholarship in Spring 2022.

“My future plan is to become a financial analyst, and I am looking forward to pursuing a graduate degree after graduation to achieve my goals,” said Pillai.

The Sheikh Khalifa scholarship is awarded through an annual two-stage competition that includes a rigorous review of applications by committees within each college/school and by a university committee that includes representatives from academic and non-academic units. The scholarship identifies students who exemplify the ideals of open intellectual inquiry, ethical behavior, and social and civic responsibility that form the core of the AUS mission.

AUS offers a range of scholarships and financial grants for students. For more information, visit www.aus.edu/scholarship.

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