Blossom, the premium nursery group part of Babilou group, opens its first-ever branch in Mariam Island, Sharjah. Blossom Nurseries is delighted to announce the opening of its 27th UAE nursery, Blossom Mariam Island, Sharjah.“This is our first location in Sharjah, meaning we now have nurseries in three Emirates,” said a spokesperson from Blossom Nursery. The […]
The American University of Sharjah (AUS) School of Business Administration (SBA) organized the inaugural iteration of the FiEx Fintech Youth Hub to introduce students to the bustling fintech landscape in the UAE and the region. The event featured workshops on several trending topics such as digital collections in the UAE, and fintech and entrepreneurship among […]
As part of its continuous effort to improve services to students and create an outstanding student experience, American University of Sharjah (AUS) has now opened a centralized solution center to assist students and their families with everything from grants and scholarships to securing on-campus accommodation. One Stop – the AUS Solution Center, is a new […]
Harvesting salt from desalination waste, developing marine oil filtration prototypes that combat oil spills and assessing the life cycle of Sharjah’s water pipes were three of the outstanding projects by American University of Sharjah (AUS) students that won top honors at the 10th Sharjah Sustainability Award recently. Organized by the Environment and Protected Areas Authority […]
Ninety engineering senior design projects tackling global and local issues of health, sustainability, 3D printing, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), the environment, water treatment, and renewable energy competed this year at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) College of Engineering (CEN) Capstone Projects Competition. These graduation projects represent the culmination of the academic and intellectual […]
Four outstanding American University of Sharjah (AUS) students who demonstrate the highest academic and personal standards have been awarded the Sheikh Khalifa Scholarship for the Academic Year 2022–2023 at a special ceremony on campus held yesterday. Recipients are Eyad Abdelazim Hussein from the College of Engineering (CEN); Alaa Ibrahim Itani from the College of Arts […]
Students pursuing a PhD in Business Administration (PhD-BA)with a concentration in finance at American University of Sharjah (AUS) or University of South Carolina (UofSC) will now have the opportunity to have their degree awarded dually by both universities. A new agreement between AUS and UofSC will allow their respective PhD-BA students to spend the second […]
American University of Sharjah (AUS) has recently been named among the top 250 universities under 50 years of age in the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings. The Young University Rankings use the same performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings,which produces one of the most prestigious and influential university rankings […]
The Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) has launched its Strategy2022-2024 in line with ongoing commitment to improve the quality, efficiency, and excellence of the private education system in the Emirate of Sharjah. The new strategy aims to enhance the teaching environment in the emirate and drive effective educational outcomes. This is in line with the […]
In our inaugural edition, we feature the amazing Zuzana Bastian Zuzana Bastian is the founder of JEVELS, an NFT platform dedicated to virtual jewerly and other fashion accessories. To increase usability for the NFTs, JEVELS provides an AR filter for each NFT which is compatible with most video call platforms and the GLB file with […]